This is a wonderful method to throw out your moods or emotions। It is one of Patanjali's techniques from the Yoga Sutra in which he says: The mind becomes tranquil by alternately expelling and retaining the breath. Osho explains further how breathing and thinking are deeply connected, as if they are two aspects of one phenomenon. If you are little mindful you will find that whenever the mind changes, the breathing changes. For example, you are angry: immediately the breathing changes, the rhythm is gone. When you are silent and relaxed, the breathing has a different rhythm. Try this: The next time anger erupts, don't allow the breathing to change; retain the rhythm of the breath as if you are happy. Anger is not possible then because the breathing forces the inner glands in the body to release chemicals in the blood. The body is ready to fight or take flight; the body is in an emergency. This change comes through hammering of the breathing. Whenever you feel that the mind is not tranquil, first exhale deeply. Always start by exhaling. Exhale deeply: As much as you can, throw the air out. While throwing out air, the mood will be thrown out too because breath carries the mood. Expel the breath as far as possible. Pull the belly in and retain for a few seconds. Let the air out and don't inhale for a few seconds. Allow the body to inhale: Inhale deeply as much as you can. Again stop for a few seconds. The gap should be the same as when you exhale - if you kept the breath out for three seconds retain the breath inside you for three seconds. Exhale totally and inhale totally, and make a rhythm. Breathe in, hold then breathe out, hold: Immediately you will feel a change coming into your whole being. The mood will go and a new climate will enter you.
Amrit Sadhana
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