Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Meditate with Surya mudra

Suryayog is a life changing odyssey that elevates your mind and transforms your approach to life. A self reflective way to evolve - the body, mind and spirit.
The most important or core of Suryayog is the Surya Mudra. This mudra, which consists of interlocking of fingers of the right and left hand, is a symbolic merger of male and female principles and balancing Panchabhuta or five elements to control senses and free ourselves from the claims and demands of the physical, emotional and mental domains. One can reach a meditative stage when pure energy of the sun’s rays cleanses our spirit and fills us with the spiritual energy of love.
Here little interpretation of Surya Mudra is needed. Equilibrium or balance of mind, body and soul is the foremost requirement for the path of enlightenment and bliss. Right hand represents male positive energy, the left brain - the reasoning power, while the left hand stands for female energy, negative, right brain- the creative power. Further right is supposed to be the embodiment of electro energy flowing from south to north (right) and left denote magnetic flex traveling from north to south (left). When one gazes at the early morning Sun, the rays activate positive pineal glands which can be called light meter of the body and negative pituitary glands which control hormone release- which is body’s reaction.

The finger tips reflect five elements or Panchabhutas - thumb is fire, index is air, middle finger is space, while ring finger and little finger represents earth and water, respectively. Thus interlinking of the finger tips not only balances the positive and negatives of the five elements of the body, but also mirrors the macrocosm of the universe in the microcosm of the human being.
A silver coin is placed on the third eye position on the forehead, while doing the Suryayog. If we take this as one of the tip and see the placement of the hands in Surya Mudra, a triangle or pyramidal formation can be seen. This is a representation of Shakti as well as a formation that helps in imbibing light and cosmic energy.

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