Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Surya Yoga the scientific way

Life energy or prana start dysfunctioning when our body, mind and spirit loose their balance by moving away from nature, which is the core of our existence. Nature, has the solution for all our maladies. So, next time you feel disillusioned or distressed inhale the fragrance of a flower, admire the delicate designs on the wings of butterflies, enjoy the raindrops falling on your head, listen to the chirping of the birds, let the breeze caress you, moonlight soothe your nerves. And of course do Suryayog for good health, peace and Ananda.
A silver coin is placed on the forehead, on the third eye region between the eye brows, while doing suryayog.
The reason for doing so is very scientific. According to photoelectric theory of famous scientist Einstein, when light strikes a metal, it explodes into a chain reaction, producing waves of light and energy. Light is composed of tiny sub-atomic particles similar to a stream of bullets. Each bullet is a photon. Einstein said photoelectric effect starts as soon as photon hits a metal. Every time a photon hits an electron in a metal it knocks out its atom, emitting lots of energy. Fantastic amount of small energies are sent into our body by this process. The created photons, being organic, decide for themselves where to go into our bodies like the areas of disease and pump and balance energy there.
/photo.cms?msid=4491080 When we do Suryayog, we take in cosmic light of the sun through the silver coin, the high frequency light energy, spread from ajna chakra or pineal gland. This energy radiates through the body protecting all the organs and cells. Regular practice can make even diseased cells healthy again.
Doing Suryayog, within an hour of sunrise or before sunset has a scientific explanation. We in Suryayog take in high frequency light energy into our body through the coin. Each photon has a certain amount of energy, depending on its colour. In VIBGYOR of white light, violet is of high frequency and releases high energy when striking an electron. This is also one of the reasons why we wear white clothes since it absorbs maximum light. Whereas red is of low energy when striking an electron. By midday, the Sun gives out only red colour light, which is of low frequency, giving heat energy and not very helpful for the body.
The Light that flows through your system is Universal Energy. It is the light of the Universe. You give the Light of the Universe. You give the Light a form, by the way you feel, think, and behave. There are thought forms of light. Intentions shape light. Through guided meditation, we direct the light to various parts of our body to cure, and balance chakras for good health.
Soma Chakravertty

Crystal Power

http://images.photogallery.indiatimes.com/photo.cms?msid=4580611Ask any Crystal Healer about his or her crystals and watch their eyes shimmer with joy as they describe the properties and the powers of each faceted coloured stone in their collection. Some say it’s a calling. Some say it indicates a past life spent in the lost island of Atlantis and some say it’s got to do with the position of planets in your natal chart. Whatever it is that makes a Crystal Healer, at their core is a deep love and respect for the untapped power of these stones.

A lot of learning goes into each stone. Basic properties aside, a lot of information is transmitted by the crystal during meditation or sleep. And the intelligence embedded in these crystals is transmitted through our pores bit by bit over time.

Crystals can change. Inclusions may increase. Bubbles may appear. Colour may fade as in rose quartz or citrine. Or heighten as in the case of Turquoise or the Fire Opal. Or the luster may lessen. But the power within remains unchanged. Regular care and cleansing helps crystals recharge and rechannel purer energy beams.

Crystal Healing is never a compulsion. Nobody forced any healer to learn how to heal with crystals. And no healer can never force anybody to heal with a crystal. Free Will operates along with faith. People who wore the gemstone because their wives insisted never heal as fast as those who believed and chose a crystal healer for themselves.

The inherent intelligence of the crystals exists in all forms of crystals in all shapes and sizes. Accessible to our third eye and our daily application, crystals work in mysterious ways and like us evolve and change over the years, gradually but so very surely.

Crystals don’t just heal. They educate, inspire, offer support and protection. And they teach us humility with all that they have seen before the advent of man. Their power is still yet untapped completely. And someday may be tapped further to heal millions more people in newer forms and applications.

Basic Energy Healing

http://images.photogallery.indiatimes.com/photo.cms?msid=4580696In this article I provide a simple method you can use to heal yourself, your loved ones, or a group of which you are a part (a problem at the office or disharmony in your family for example). The method involves conscious life force control, or pranayama, a term that is derived from two Sanskrit words – prana (life force) and ayama (control). Anyone can learn pranayama and use it effectively to have an immediate, measurable effect on their health and the wellbeing of others.

Pranayama has its roots in eastern medicine, and in the west, it is now an established scientific fact. The Rishis of India taught that all of creation is a manifestation of prana – force or energy derived from the infinite spirit of god, which permeates and sustains everything in existence. In China this energy is called Qi and the art of controlling it is Qigong . In Japan, the energy is called ki and the art of controlling it is Reiki . In the west, the existence of life force and our ability to control it has been proven using advanced instrumentation and controlled scientific studies. There, the force is called biofield energy or subtle energy, and the methods used to control it are called biofield therapies or subtle energy medicine respectively.

The method I teach here is one I use in my own work: effective and easy. First, draw in a breath. As you do, become aware of the back of your head and imagine the energy flowing inward through the brain stem at the base of your brain (where prana enters the body). When the in-drawn breath pauses, focus your attention on your target: your own health, another person in need of healing, or a relationship you are in – any situation that is proximal to you. Now, push your breath out, and as you do, imagine the captured energy flowing from your head into your target. That’s the method, start to finish.

You can tailor this method to suit your learning style and goals. For example, feel free to imagine energy flowing into your head with the indrawn breath in any way that works for you. The indrawn breath creates a vacuum or “pull” inward. When you feel that pull, all you have to do is “think” energy is flowing into the back of your head, and it will. Visual people might prefer to imagine a cloud of white light flowing into the base of the head. Any combination of these techniques will allow you to take in huge amounts of energy.

The same holds true for the exhaled breath and how you focus it. If the target is your own health, focus the energy on a diseased body part (your heart for example) or on your whole body if you have a systemic problem like diabetes. As you exhale, just “think” that energy is flowing into your illness, and it will. Or you can “imagine” energy as a flow of white light that’s washing into the body or diseased body parts. Some people send the energy “through” the body and others stream the energy “laser-like” from their head directly to afflicted areas. Any of these techniques or a combination will work. The method also works on emotional issues. If this is you, as you saturate your whole body with energy, focus some of it on your sternum and stomach (where we tend to hold negative emotion).

The same applies if you want to heal another person. You must be physically close to them to use the method. Then, focus energy on them just as you would for yourself, per the above instructions. This is also a great technique to use if you have a problem with another person – a boss, acquaintance or family member. In this case, imagine channeling the energy from your head through your heart into your antagonist, along with feelings of compassion. This will have the effect of calming them (and you too). The same technique works for a group – perhaps your family members or your colleagues at work aren’t getting along, or just need help to achieve a shared goal. While you’re with them, use the method to channel energy into the entire group. Prana is a force of God’s own nature that will act to calm, heal, and unify them.

Frequency matters: regular small doses of energy will have the desired effect. The great thing about this method is that you can use it anytime, anywhere, without anyone else knowing, so practice it often. If you do, you will be able to move extraordinary amounts of energy and you will actually perceive energy flowing into the back of your head and into your target.